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"Portrait of the Artist as a Mattress," by Lisa
Zeitz, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, August
11, 2001; SECTION: Art Market, p. 53; LENGTH: 727 words
Portrait of the Artist as a Mattress
An exhibition at The Spencer Brownstone Gallery in Soho
NEW YORK, August
Why is everyone in New York crazy in August? Because the psychiatrists
are on vacation then--so goes a saying that the American approach to
its Cultural capital to brings the point. Summer in New York: The
cities flee to the beach Coney between Iceland and Montauk or pull back
into the country and spend time in the forests of the Hudson River
Valley. A serious minority following her yoga teacher in the meditation
camp in Ireland. If despite muggy heat the Streets and gothic chill in
the public buildings in Manhattan remains can choose between exquisite
pleasures. In Central Park plays the Philharmonic occurs free in the
open air, and Meryl Streep in a play Shakespeare on. The PSI in Queens,
for some time with the Museum of Modern Art affiliated, offers weekend
disco and pool. On the greenery behind the New York Public Library
there is an open-air cinema and on the roof of the Metropolitan Museum
espresso. For the galleries, if they have not closed, the summer group
With ten artists has Irena Popiashvili under the Entitled "Screen" at
the Spencer Brownstone Gallery in Soho, an exhibition organizing photos
and video works. Susa Templin, born 1965, lives in Frankfurt and New
York. Your two photos show the height of Manhattan as swimming pools
blue voids within the densely built-up area, a kind of architecture
Nothing, coloristic luxury room in the drab apartment jungle. The edges
their photos show traces of the firing process and remind them
pleasant, that photography to do with fluids (the "Pool from Above" and
"No Pool from Above 2 ", each 50 by 75 inches, edition 3, 1500 dollars).
Alexander Roytburd, currently in a video work at the Biennale Venice
issue is represented by a film of the year 1999. His "Exercises for Two
Bodies and a Monument "(edition of 5, 1800 dollar) deal with the Balkan
trouble spot and take ten minutes. In coarse-grained and brown hue
projection is to To see how the two naked men in sneakers before a
unidentifiable monument attack. One wears a gorilla mask. You go go
ramming each other, and box to appear vulnerable and yet aggressive -
and funny. In light of the grave monument, in a very static way culture
and history symbolizes falls, first in right, as inappropriate and the
simian Behavior of the two men is.
Ann-Sofi Siden, born in 1962 in Stockholm, it has just barely over
siebenminuetiges video "Piss Head Lake Down" last year in the
flourishing Park Wana shot of the castle (Not limited edition, 1000
dollars). With peace as the documentary Siden, as several workers a
life-size bronze statue, the Selbstportraet the artist in the act the
pee in between rain-soaked trees and purple rhododendron a lake up. The
perpetuation of vulgar and embarrassing Snapshot in Bronze, with
closeups of details that triggered the viewer alternately Head shake
and laugh. The Argentine Fabio Kacero, 1961, has a two hour film is
shot, which consists only of credit by all Lists people who have played
a role in his life. This is what it as his own life imaginary film, the
actors are indeed honored by name, but reduced on only a few letters
(without title, edition 5, 800 dollars).
By the American
artist Mark Woods, born 1966, is a big black and white photo of his
mattress on a dark background (no title, 1.7 times 2.2 Meters, Edition
3, 6000 dollars). The monumental style of life has lifted off clean and
despite his very intimate, because the mattress is a place of
fantasies, pain, pleasure, birth and death, is a place of tenderness,
like the habit of nightmares like the feeling of security. For
centuries, artists struggle with the white canvas and so is Woods's
image, a manifest of the blank screen, in self-portrait as a way a
mattress. But he is his psychiatrist again until September can tell.
(Until 8 September.)
Lisa Zeitz